Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine use a hands-on approach called Osteopathic Manipulation Treatment (OMT) to facilitate health and healing. These techniques are very gentle, and typically involve using pressure and resistance to work the muscles, connective tissues, and joints. OMT strives to restore motion, alleviate pain, and support the body’s structure to help it function more efficiently. Each patient is treated as an individual and treatment plans are made on a case-by-case basis.
DOs have a patient centered approach to health care that is sought after by patients in medical offices and hospitals around the country. They use all the resources of modern medicine to prevent, detect, and treat disease including prescribing medication and performing surgery when indicated. But they also offer their patients something extra.
Osteopathic physicians are specially trained to preform OMT, a method in which they use their hands to diagnose and treat the patient, giving particular attention to joints, bones, muscles and nerves.